News in Version 3.11: New features in the supplier catalog

Complete list of news in version 3.11

Supplier dashboard

After clicking on the supplier name in the catalog, the following screen will open. There are information about the supplier (list of users, categories) and depending on the modules used, information on evaluations, development targets, documents and tenders.

You can perform actions such as deactivating a user, approving documents, sending a request to insert a document, etc. directly from this screen. Click the arrow next to the status name, expand the button, and select the desired action.

Overview of communication between the purchasing organization and the supplier

You will find a new "Communication" tab in the supplier detail. Here, communication is gathered between all users of your purchasing organization and the supplier.

To create a new general message, click on the button "+New message" at the top left.

If you wish to communicate with the supplier regarding a specific tender, please use the communication channel that is part of each tender.