Promitea - Sourcing


Promitea streamlines requests, tenders, and auctions for key products, which on average account for more than 50% of a company's total procurement value.

Sourcing involves electronic requests, tenders, and auctions, primarily used for procuring key items with multiple alternative suppliers. These suppliers are interchangeable from a procurement perspective and compete at comparable levels.

Marek Matůš
Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš - Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš

Chief Technology Officer at Promitea


Based on experience, the additional costs of conducting an electronic tender using RFQ pay off, as they improve the best offers by approximately 10%.

Sourcing is the most effective method for achieving price reductions while significantly lowering costs. After just one day of training, buyers can fully operate the system and achieve an ROI exceeding 100% in a short time.

Marek Matůš
Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Core Features of Sourcing

RFI - Request for Information

RFI - Request for Information

RFI (Request for Information) is a process used to gather general information from potential suppliers. This tool is typically used in the early stages of the procurement process when the buyer needs to understand market options, available products or services, and their ability to meet the project requirements.
RFQ - Request for Quotation

RFQ - Request for Quotation

An RFQ (Request for Quotation) is a formal process used by businesses to request price quotes from potential suppliers for specific products or services. The RFQ is typically sent after the buyer has identified their needs and is seeking competitive bids for a clearly defined product, service, or solution.
ERA - English Reverse Auction

ERA - English Reverse Auction

Electronic auctions follow RFQs as another negotiation method for purchasing high-value goods.
DRA - Dutch Reverse Ticker Auction

DRA - Dutch Reverse Ticker Auction

DRA is a highly efficient and straightforward auction method. It starts with an unrealistically low product price.
JRA - Japanese Reverse Ticker Auction

JRA - Japanese Reverse Ticker Auction

JRA is also a highly efficient and straightforward auction method. It starts with an unrealistically high price set by the customer.
Reports & Compliance

Reports & Compliance

The results of RFIs, RFQs, and other auctions are compiled into logs and standard reports for customers and suppliers.

Key Benefits

For Employees
no wasted time
no duplications or unnecessary paperwork
user-friendly interface
For Buyers
efficient request management
support for electronic auctions
reduction in procurement costs
faster tenders
process transparency
supplier offer comparisons
increased competition among suppliers
automation of procurement processes
easy analysis and reporting
optimization of procurement strategies
For Suppliers
access to clearly defined requirements
opportunity to participate in electronic auctions
fair and transparent offer evaluation
greater chances of winning contracts
quick and efficient communication with buyers
clear processes and rules
reduced administrative burden
improved reputation through successful participation

Promitea helps streamline procurement processes with modules covering areas from strategic planning to catalog purchasing. The system increases transparency, saves costs and time, and enables effective collaboration with suppliers.

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*The ROI estimate is based on real data gathered from our clients and their successfully completed projects.

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