Promitea - Procurement


Digital transformation in procurement is here! We bring a revolutionary way to simplify and streamline the procurement process in your company.

Traditional procurement methods often burden employees with unnecessary tasks and slow down the process. With Promitea Procurement's catalog purchasing, we shift control directly to your expert departments.

Marek Matůš
Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš - Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš

Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Promitea Procurement

Procurement (catalog purchasing) in the Promitea system focuses on C-category items and indirect purchases, aiming to minimize process costs, speed up order delivery, and reduce product prices.

Using standardized mandatory catalogs across the company can lead to up to 10% savings on product purchases. Savings on process costs range from 50% to 80%.

Marek Matůš
Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Overview of Catalog Purchasing in Promitea

Procurement (catalog purchasing) in Promitea focuses on C-category items and indirect purchases, aiming to minimize process costs, speed up order delivery, and reduce product prices.

Using standardized mandatory catalogs across the company can lead to up to 10% savings on product purchases. It reduces costs in logistics and service by standardizing goods with high operational costs (e.g., printers). In percentage terms, process costs savings are much higher, ranging from 50% to 80%. This then frees up the procurement department's capacity for strategic tasks.

Overview of Catalog Purchasing

Core Features of Procurement



The starting point for procurement is catalogs of various product categories.
Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

Promitea facilitates catalog purchasing directly to the requester.


Promitea allows defining budgets for the customer’s organizational unit and product category.


Individual products or shopping carts are submitted to approvers for order approval.


Based on the selected products or shopping cart, Promitea creates an order.

Key Benefits

For Employees
no wasted time
no duplications or unnecessary paperwork
easy to use
For Buyers
fast and simple orders
centralized catalog management
simplified procurement processes
reduced costs for C-items
optimized approval workflows
better control over indirect spend
ability to analyze and track purchases
For Suppliers
easier product and service presentation
access to a wider customer base
simplified order processing
clear requirements and minimized errors
faster response to requests
improved business opportunities
transparent processes and rules

Promitea helps streamline procurement processes with modules covering areas from strategic planning to catalog purchasing. The system increases transparency, saves costs and time, and enables effective collaboration with suppliers.

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*The ROI estimate is based on real data gathered from our clients and their successfully completed projects.

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