Promitea - Supplier relationship management

Supplier Relationship Management

The SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) module in Promitea is designed to optimize and streamline the management of relationships between a company’s purchasing department and its suppliers.

The goal of SRM is to initiate and develop a close, long-term collaboration between procurement and suppliers that benefits both parties.

Marek Matůš
Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš - Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Marek Matůš

Chief Technology Officer at Promitea

Supplier Relationship Management

SRM does not prioritize short-term effects, but rather fosters long-term relationships and supports the strategic advantages for all parties involved.

Core Features of SRM

Purchase Marketing

Purchase Marketing

Reaching new suppliers through the possibility of publishing tenders.
Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

The Supplier Portal enables active supplier engagement. The supplier enters documents, communicates, resolves complaints.


The actual registration of suppliers involves the verification of the data entered and the initial qualification of the supplier.
Supplier Evaluation

Supplier Evaluation

Supplier evaluation summarizes the performance of suppliers based on various criteria.
Supplier Relationship Development

Supplier Relationship Development

Setting goals for future cooperation, monitoring their fulfilment, resolving complaints.

Key Benefits

For Employees
no wasted time
no duplications or unnecessary paperwork
easy to use
For Buyers
centralized supplier data
improved delivery quality
compliance support
strategic relationship planning
For Suppliers
increased collaboration transparency
better access to information
opportunity for performance improvement

Promitea helps streamline procurement processes with modules covering areas from strategic planning to catalog purchasing. The system increases transparency, saves costs and time, and enables effective collaboration with suppliers.

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