Po většinu své kariéry jsem se nákupním marketingem nemusel zabývat jednoduše proto, že jsem pracoval pro velké nadnárodní společnosti a navíc byl panel dodavatelů pevně dán a změnit dodavatele bylo stejně obtížně jako sněhové závěje na pyramidách.
For most of my career, I didn't have to deal with procurement marketing simply because I worked for large multinationals, plus the supplier panel was fixed and changing suppliers was as difficult as snowdrifts on pyramids.
However, in my first job, when we were looking for suitable suppliers to export precision machined parts to our sister plants in France, purchasing marketing was a key skill, i.e. Finding suitable suppliers (family-owned companies with special technologies, as the big ones would not be interested in small volumes), motivating suppliers (why should they undergo complex homologation, logistical and communication barriers), price negotiation (explaining that an aggressive target price implies a significant increase in supplier productivity), supplier development (convincing suppliers to invest in new machines, acquiring new skills).
I remember that in the beginning we approached the suppliers in the style of "you can be happy that the French are interested in you," and they sent us to the dartboard. It was only when we learned to sell the vision of a reliable foreign buyer, openly communicated the potential for cooperation, convinced them of the benefits of long-term investment to increase productivity and created a supplier-customer relationship that the cooperation really took off.
In addition to buyers of fulfillment, where they can freely choose suppliers, and buyers of categories with a high degree of innovation, buyers of bottleneck components or non-critical categories, where it is worth checking the competitiveness of existing suppliers from time to time, will also benefit from the knowledge of purchase marketing.
Effective purchasing, aligned with the company's key needs, contributes to long-term goals such as profitability, competitive advantage and growth in company value.
In this article we take a detailed look at the issue of home-grown software add-ons, which are found in many companies and which, despite all efforts, usually represent a major obstacle to effective and professional purchasing.
I confess that when I became a purchasing director with the authority and responsibility to develop my department, my primary focus was on developing purchasing skills, collaboration with other departments, centralization, purchasing controlling and implementing at least minimal supplier relationship management.
Qualified suppliers who know our business perfectly, have the necessary technology, innovate and continuously improve are a source of competitive advantage for every company. It is therefore no surprise that buyers guard their know-how in supplier management like an eye in the head.
Return on investment within the first year of project implementation.*
*The ROI estimate is based on real data gathered from our clients and their successfully completed projects.
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